a. I will get a custom design from an etsian. I want to make mine a bit more unique.
b. I may not include my phone number on the next batch. On second thought I probably will. Seeing as though, my key buyers are mostly off etsy...I probably want them to be able to contact me without having to go online. I'll give this one more thought.
c. The "company" name will most def. be larger on the next set. It blends in a bit too much right now. Its about a 20 font maybe and 18. I can certainly make other things smaller.
Anyway on another not, I was told today that since potential customers are reading this blog I really should keep my gayness a secret. LMAO. Look if you are not going to buy from me because I am a lesbian, or because, I am black, or because one of my boobs is slightly larger than the other than screw you. My art is an extension of me and as I get better at it, it evolves and becomes an extension of my need to create. I'm pretty sure none of my poems ever turned anyone gay.(well maybe that one, but I'm pretty sure she was at least bi,lol) If you want to give up a chance to FIERCE out of your own bigotry, that is your ignorant ass problem.
I'm done now. My back hurts. Going to lie down. Hopefully take the pain away. Oh, woe is me.
PS...500th poster promo update....ta da......She picked

................The perfect super chic linen text coasters
Hehe this post makes me glad :)
Oh man I loved this post. Art is an extension of anyone who creates it, it would be almost impossible to hide who you are and then try to make art.
Great post!
You make some nice pieces
Are you freakin kidding me? People suggest that you hide your gayness??? That's ridiculous!!
Okay... is it wrong that I would rather by something from a gay artist than a straight one, because I find that gay people are more in touch with their inner flamboyant? That I relate more to the symbolism. To the honesty that seeps from their fingertips into their designs? That I am refreshed and rejeuvinated from their "f*ck you if you don't like it, tralalalala-ness"??
Is that discrimination? Politically incorrect?
*shrug* I've been accused of worse.
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