Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Okay, So I am back
It was a bit more than the flu. I had to be put on bed rest for a little over a month and I had to close my entire etsy shop. I was so fatigued all the time, I did not want to breath half the time. I am not back to 100% now. Bit dammit I am much better. I have reopened my shop and rededicated myself to crafting, (when I feel up to it). SO this is my reintroduction to blogging. Hi:) I will try to blog daily until I get my swagger back. Yay me.
My goal right now is trying to find my niche. What is it tht I really wantot focus on. IDK. But I'm having a hell of a time finding out.
I'm sleepy not. See you tommorrow.
My goal right now is trying to find my niche. What is it tht I really wantot focus on. IDK. But I'm having a hell of a time finding out.
I'm sleepy not. See you tommorrow.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Weekly Challenge # 1, Primero, Numero Uno
I have decided that to force myself to step out of my box, I will do a weekly challenge every FRIDAY and reveal it on the blog each Monday. It could tum out well. It could also turn out quite disastrous. That is part of the fun. I want to take some type of inspiration and make a purse from that inspiration. Can I do it? I sure as hell can. In the future I will be taking suggestions , so please comment if you have any, I really would hat this to get monotonous. Then I wont do it. Hopefully I will have a sugesstion starting next week, pics, ideas, types of fabrics, shows , words, ...anything
The challenge for the weekend of 3/7/08 is hhhhhmmm. This piece
from the DIOR Spring 2008 Couture Line...we shall see how this works out.
Thank you and goodnight:)
The challenge for the weekend of 3/7/08 is hhhhhmmm. This piece

from the DIOR Spring 2008 Couture Line...we shall see how this works out.
Thank you and goodnight:)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Whodathunk it? I kinda like blogging to you guys. There is so much that I had in mind for today's blog. Now that I know people read, I'd like to keep you interested. I know my terrible typing won't do it. FYI. I am not a bad speller, just a bad typist. Anywho I have 3 pinched nerves and I am in a ridiculous amount of pain right now. I just took a percocet and am quite drowsy. But since I have been blogging for the past few consecutive days, I felt obligated to write something. i don't think that my OCD will allow me not too. Plus the Mavericks game is about to come on...I don't miss basketball:)
In the ETSY forums today there was a discussion about allowing racially and culturally offensive material on etsy. My stance on that could keep us all here for days. But believe me.....i will write about it soon *wink*. Nonetheless it did stay quite civil which I did not expect. I attribute that to the absence of a few key etsians that have a tendency to be troublemakers. Some people make points which I don't quite agree with, but they made them without being trampled, that was a triumph in etsy forums. You get the right poster at the right time and as where the help button is and their response is " up your as where you head should be for asking that question." I think that is by far the only draw back of ETSY. The forum Nazi's as I so love to call them.{Although I did ever so politely get in trouble for that by etsy admin. ( She was very nice about it:) I Love Etsy Admin, They work very hard) }Those are the people that sit in the forums and wait for people to post a repeat question, or post in the wrong section by mistake, or ask what they feel is a stupid or maybe put what they think is a silly idea in the idea section ...and then they trample them. Then you you have the poor followers with white coat syndrome because they think the people are some omniscient being because they have 200 sales or they are from Russia or where ever they hell ...some are just nosy buyer that has no idea what its like to be a new sell or a seller at all. They don't know any better so they all follow their ignorant ass lead. I've even had people convo me to tell me such and such is a trouble maker just leave it alone. When I was new in the forums I made the mistake of posting in the wrong thread. I still do it now from time to time. I am still quite new to etsy. Lets be clear, I'm not a rude woman. I'm rarely confrontational. But I'm hood all day. You come at me the wrong way theres problems. When I was attacked in the forums my first instinct was to be a bitch, which I am quite good at BTW. (only when provoked.) At the time I wasn't thinking about etsy as a business, it was a hobby, so my exact words were " I'm going to rip that chick." ( the one that started it) She was on my list. I was on a mission to do something bad. I had a plan for the masses. I'm not going to tell you, but it was good stuff. I almost did to through with it . Later that night I got a convo from an etsy veteran who said to me, "look, If you ever have questions just come to me. Convo me anytime" and she stuck to her word to this day. Some strangers on etsy have been nice to me than people in my life ever My evil plan was foiled that day. Having taking my tagent around the world and back...
On another note, I made this today...
well I made 2 because I sell and I need one for me ( as usual). I make 2 at least 2 of everything at first. Usually 3 actually because I have a 16 year old sister...enough said.It goes with a clutch I made about a week ago . Uber Cuteness.
Okay... I have missed the 1st quarter of the Mavs/Rockets game and I am starting to doze. I promise we will talk more tomorrow.
Same bat time. Same bat channel.
Okay maybe not time.
In the ETSY forums today there was a discussion about allowing racially and culturally offensive material on etsy. My stance on that could keep us all here for days. But believe me.....i will write about it soon *wink*. Nonetheless it did stay quite civil which I did not expect. I attribute that to the absence of a few key etsians that have a tendency to be troublemakers. Some people make points which I don't quite agree with, but they made them without being trampled, that was a triumph in etsy forums. You get the right poster at the right time and as where the help button is and their response is " up your as where you head should be for asking that question." I think that is by far the only draw back of ETSY. The forum Nazi's as I so love to call them.{Although I did ever so politely get in trouble for that by etsy admin. ( She was very nice about it:) I Love Etsy Admin, They work very hard) }Those are the people that sit in the forums and wait for people to post a repeat question, or post in the wrong section by mistake, or ask what they feel is a stupid or maybe put what they think is a silly idea in the idea section ...and then they trample them. Then you you have the poor followers with white coat syndrome because they think the people are some omniscient being because they have 200 sales or they are from Russia or where ever they hell ...some are just nosy buyer that has no idea what its like to be a new sell or a seller at all. They don't know any better so they all follow their ignorant ass lead. I've even had people convo me to tell me such and such is a trouble maker just leave it alone. When I was new in the forums I made the mistake of posting in the wrong thread. I still do it now from time to time. I am still quite new to etsy. Lets be clear, I'm not a rude woman. I'm rarely confrontational. But I'm hood all day. You come at me the wrong way theres problems. When I was attacked in the forums my first instinct was to be a bitch, which I am quite good at BTW. (only when provoked.) At the time I wasn't thinking about etsy as a business, it was a hobby, so my exact words were " I'm going to rip that chick." ( the one that started it) She was on my list. I was on a mission to do something bad. I had a plan for the masses. I'm not going to tell you, but it was good stuff. I almost did to through with it . Later that night I got a convo from an etsy veteran who said to me, "look, If you ever have questions just come to me. Convo me anytime" and she stuck to her word to this day. Some strangers on etsy have been nice to me than people in my life ever My evil plan was foiled that day. Having taking my tagent around the world and back...
On another note, I made this today...

well I made 2 because I sell and I need one for me ( as usual). I make 2 at least 2 of everything at first. Usually 3 actually because I have a 16 year old sister...enough said.It goes with a clutch I made about a week ago . Uber Cuteness.

Okay... I have missed the 1st quarter of the Mavs/Rockets game and I am starting to doze. I promise we will talk more tomorrow.
Same bat time. Same bat channel.
Okay maybe not time.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Randomness...buz cards and gayness
So yeah. I got my business cards today. They were on promo 100 for free.So I said. " what the hell, why not?" I used one of the templates from overnight prints and input the info that I wanted and just paid for shipping. That was about 9.50. I don't think that was a bad deal. I ordered om 2/28 and they arrived today. Good stuff. I do have some definite changes in mind for my next set.
a. I will get a custom design from an etsian. I want to make mine a bit more unique.
b. I may not include my phone number on the next batch. On second thought I probably will. Seeing as though, my key buyers are mostly off etsy...I probably want them to be able to contact me without having to go online. I'll give this one more thought.
c. The "company" name will most def. be larger on the next set. It blends in a bit too much right now. Its about a 20 font maybe and 18. I can certainly make other things smaller.
Anyway on another not, I was told today that since potential customers are reading this blog I really should keep my gayness a secret. LMAO. Look if you are not going to buy from me because I am a lesbian, or because, I am black, or because one of my boobs is slightly larger than the other than screw you. My art is an extension of me and as I get better at it, it evolves and becomes an extension of my need to create. I'm pretty sure none of my poems ever turned anyone gay.(well maybe that one, but I'm pretty sure she was at least bi,lol) If you want to give up a chance to FIERCE out of your own bigotry, that is your ignorant ass problem.
I'm done now. My back hurts. Going to lie down. Hopefully take the pain away. Oh, woe is me.
PS...500th poster promo update....ta da......She picked
................The perfect super chic linen text coasters
a. I will get a custom design from an etsian. I want to make mine a bit more unique.
b. I may not include my phone number on the next batch. On second thought I probably will. Seeing as though, my key buyers are mostly off etsy...I probably want them to be able to contact me without having to go online. I'll give this one more thought.
c. The "company" name will most def. be larger on the next set. It blends in a bit too much right now. Its about a 20 font maybe and 18. I can certainly make other things smaller.
Anyway on another not, I was told today that since potential customers are reading this blog I really should keep my gayness a secret. LMAO. Look if you are not going to buy from me because I am a lesbian, or because, I am black, or because one of my boobs is slightly larger than the other than screw you. My art is an extension of me and as I get better at it, it evolves and becomes an extension of my need to create. I'm pretty sure none of my poems ever turned anyone gay.(well maybe that one, but I'm pretty sure she was at least bi,lol) If you want to give up a chance to FIERCE out of your own bigotry, that is your ignorant ass problem.
I'm done now. My back hurts. Going to lie down. Hopefully take the pain away. Oh, woe is me.
PS...500th poster promo update....ta da......She picked

................The perfect super chic linen text coasters
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Featured Shop...AnniesWearableArt

So this is my first featured shop and a I am super exited. When I first saw this this shop in the ETSY forums. I was in love. I swear If I could, I would move into her shop. It is amazing . At first glance I thought it was vintage. But not. This is all handmade and it is truly wearable art. This shop is has beautiful Parisian and flapper inspired jewelry and crocheted pieces that will blow your mind.

Her profile states " I take all of my photos in natural light, which means dealing with wind, rain and the wonderful sunwash. It is extremely important to me that my photos are accurate without enhanced lighting."
Now how many sellers can say that ?
It is so difficult to attain whimsy and nostalgia within the same pieces of art. But this shop seems to do so effortlessly. I look at this shop each time I sign onto ETSY. And each time, I am in awe of her craft. I am amazed and almost brought to tears by the memories of romanticism from eras which I haven't even experienced. These pieces are just surreal.
There is about 50% of me that wants to put on one of her Cloche hats and do the Charleston and another 50% that wants to adopt a French accent ( or my scewed version of what one would be.)

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